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Workers’ Compensation Board

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eClaims Transaction Reports (3.1)


In addition to electronically filing First and Subsequent Reports of Injury (FROI/SROI) to the New York State Workers' Compensation Board, claim administrators are required to notify parties of interest of the filings via paper mailing. Information regarding the generation and mailing requirements for servable paper documents can be found in Section 3.6 of the Board's eClaims R3.1 Implementation Guide and the NYS R3.1 Event Table (MS Excel).

The Board has developed a printable report format of the electronic FROI/SROI filing that contains the information regarding acceptance, partial denial, controversy, and all reports of payments on a claim. This report must be mailed to the claimant and the claimant's representative, pursuant to §300.22, within one business day of electronic filing with the Board. The date such notice is actually mailed or otherwise transmitted shall be the date of transmittal, regardless of when received by the intended recipient. Furthermore, Section 110 of the Workers' Compensation Law provides that a copy of the employer's report of injury be provided upon request to the injured worker.

Consult the NYS R3.1 Event Table (MS Excel) to determine when, and to whom, each report should be mailed. Please note that Section 3.6 of the eClaims R3.1 Implementation Guide includes multiple electronic options for how claim administrators can obtain their FROI/SROI transaction report for each successfully submitted filing, thus, relieving the claim administrator from the burden of manually generating the paper reports. Note: Only forms that are required for mailing are included in the zip files. Please see 3.6.4 of the eClaims R3.1 Implementation Guide for more information. Any forms that are not in the zip file can be printed from eCase or eClaims Inquiry.

Sample FROI zip file created by the Board

Sample SROI zip file created by the Board

Sample Transaction Reports
FROI 00 - Original (Mailing to parties is optional)
FROI 01 - Cancel
FROI 02 - Change (Not included in zip file. Required for mailing only if Agreement to Compensate changes from Without Liability to With Liability.)
FROI 04 - Denial
FROI AQ - Acquired Claim (Mailing to parties is optional)
FROI AU - Acquired/Unallocated (Mailing to parties is optional)
FROI UR - Upon Request (Mailing to parties is optional)
SROI 02 - Change (Not included in zip file. Required for mailing only if Agreement to Compensate changes from Without Liability to With Liability.)
SROI 04 - Denial
SROI AC - Acquisition/Indemnity Ceased
SROI AP - Acquired/Payment = With Liability
SROI AP - Acquired/Payment = Without Liability
SROI CA - Change in Benefit Amount
SROI CB - Change in Benefit Type
SROI CD - Compensable Death
SROI EP - Employer Paid - Agreement to Compensate Code = With Liability
SROI EP - Employer Paid - Agreement to Compensate Code = Without Liability
SROI ER - Employer Reinstatement
SROI IP - Agreement to Compensate Code = With Liability
SROI IP - Agreement to Compensate Code = Without Liability
SROI PD - Partial Denial
SROI PY - Payment Report = With Liability
SROI PY - Payment Report = Without Liability
SROI RB - Reinstatement of Benefit
SROI SA - Sub-Annual (Mailing to parties is optional)
SROI SU - Sync-Up (Mailing to parties is optional)
SROI SX - Full Suspension
SROI UR - Upon Request (Mailing to parties is optional)

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