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Workers’ Compensation Board

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Does Employer Have Coverage?

Search For Employer Coverage

Use the search for coverage tool above to search for information about employers’ insurance policies and coverage.


This search tool includes information submitted by insurers related to the following:

If you cannot find an employer or if you suspect an employer is operating without workers' compensation, disability benefits or Paid Family Leave insurance, please submit an Employer Whistleblower Form (Form CE-150-RF) to the Workers' Compensation Board. This form can be submitted online; by mailing the paper version; or by calling (866) 571-6729.

Search For Employer Coverage


  1. How do I search for an employer name?

    Enter a word or part of a word from the first part of the employer's name. The search will return a list of employers whose names begin with EXACTLY what you entered.

  2. How can I confirm coverage prior to 1/1/2002?

    To check for coverage prior to 1/1/2002, call a customer service representative at (866) 298-7830.

  3. Can I see results displayed for more than 50 employers at a time?

    Yes. Select the area labeled "Maximum results displayed." The maximum is 750.

  4. Why do I see cancellation dates in the future on some policies?

    Insurers can submit notice of future cancellation (termination of coverage) before a policy expires. Coverage is in effect until the date of cancellation.

  5. How do I search for a self-insured employer?

    Enter the employer's name. Self-insured employers are not assigned policy numbers.

  6. Does the employer coverage search display "wrap up" policies?

    Yes. Either a "Y" or an "N" will be displayed under the column heading, “WRAP UP.”

  7. Does the employer coverage search display the coverage type?

    Yes. The coverage type will be displayed under the column heading, “Coverage Type.”

Technical Support

If you are having a problem with this application, please visit the password assistance and technical support page.