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Disability Benefits Forms Employers


Completing Forms

If you require assistance with completing these forms, please contact us.

Forms are in PDF format. The Board recommends using the latest version of Adobe Reader which is available as a free download from Adobe's website. After the form opens, you may complete the form by typing information on the form before you print it. Please enter your information, select print and choose Microsoft Print to PDF and submit the saved PDF. Please note, that if you do not Print to PDF, the entered data may not be transmitted resulting in a blank form being submitted. If you have trouble opening a form: (1) download/save the form onto your computer, (2) open Adobe Reader, (3) open the saved file. If you still have trouble with the form, please email the Board's Forms Department.

Multi-page Forms
Two-sided and multi-page forms are to be printed and submitted to the Board in duplex format. If this is not possible, submit as separate sheets. However, do NOT submit to the Board any sheets that contain only instructions and/or reference material. Parties of interest other than the Board must receive both sides of all two-sided forms and all pages of multi-page forms.

Popular Forms

Disability Benefits Forms for Employers
Form Number /
Version Date
Form Title Who Files Where to File When to File
C-DB-22 Employer's Statement (for Form DB-450) (NY State Insurance Fund) This is a New York State Insurance Fund form.

The State Insurance Fund has pre-printed Form DB-450 with the Employer's Statement on the reverse.
CE-200 (12/08) Certificate of Attestation of Exemption from NYS Workers' Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Coverage Applicants for permits, licenses or contracts from State, county or municipal agencies in New York State that are not required to carry NYS workers' compensation and/or disability benefits insurance coverage. Please file with the government agency that is issuing the permit, license or contract. (Examples: The New York City Department of Buildings or the New York State Department of Health) These exemption forms can ONLY be used to attest to a government entity that an applicant requesting a permit, license or contract from that government entity is not required to carry NYS workers' compensation and/or disability benefits insurance. Apply online at New York Business Express .
DB-118 (10/17) Employer's Statement for the Purpose of Terminating Status as a Covered Employer Employer Mail to Workers' Compensation Board, Bureau of Compliance, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200 When terminating status as a covered employer.
DB-120 (11/17) Notice of Compliance – New York State Disability Benefits Employers insured for disability benefits through an insurance carrier or Board-approved self-insurance. This form is not filed. It is completed by the licensed insurance carrier or self-insured administrator with identifying insurance information and then displayed by the employer in the workplace. Upon securing of disability benefits insurance or Board-approved self-insurance. Employers must obtain this form from their insurance carrier or licensed agent. It is normally provided in the insurance policy package.
DB-120.1 (12/21) Certificate of Insurance Coverage under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law Employers Filed with any entity requesting to be a certificate holder including a government agency issuing a permit, license or contract. The DB-120.1 must be completed by either the NYS statutory disability benefits insurance carrier, or a licensed NYS insurance agent of that carrier. Employers must obtain this form from either their NYS statutory disability benefits insurance carrier or a licensed NYS insurance agent of that carrier.
DB-120.2 (10/17) Certificate of Participation in Disability or Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Group Self-Insurance Employers Filed with any entity requesting to be a certificate holder including a government agency issuing a permit, license or contract. The DB-120.2 must be completed by the Plan Administrator or Authorized Representative. Employers must obtain this form from their administrator. The administrator should contact to get a copy of the form they can distribute to their members.
DB-125 (5/19) Employer Identification Information, Disability Benefits Law Employer Given to employees to provide information to facilitate filing of DB claims. Issued to employees upon separation from employment.
DB-135 (9/19) Employer’s Application for Voluntary Coverage (No Employee Contribution) Employer Workers' Compensation Board, Bureau of Compliance, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200 or email to To voluntarily cover employees for whom DB is not required under the Law with no employee contributions to the cost of the coverage.
DB-136 (9/19) Employer's Application for Voluntary Coverage for Class of Employees For Whom Disability Benefits Are Not Required by Law (Employee Contribution) Employer Workers' Compensation Board, Bureau of Compliance, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200 or email to To voluntarily cover employees for whom DB is not required under the Law with employee contributions to the cost of the coverage.
DB-212.3 (10/17) Notice of Election of a Corporation which is required to have Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Coverage for its Employees under the Disability and Paid Family Leave Law to Exclude the Sole Shareholder-Officer or One of Two Shareholder-Officers or Shareholder-Officers of the Corporation from Such Coverage Sole Shareholder Officer(s) of a Corporation File with insurance carrier. Board-approved self-insured employers file with WCB Self-Insurance Office. Board-approved group self-insured's file with the WCB Self-Insurance Office and also with your group administrator. Officers are deemed included in insurance contract until election to exclude is filed.
DB-212.5 (10/17) Notice of Election to Voluntarily Exclude Spouse from Coverage Pursuant to Section 212, Subdivision 5 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law Employer File with Insurance carrier or, if Board-approved self-insurer (or no carrier and spouse is only employee), with the WCB. File when election is made to exclude spouse from coverage.
DB-271S (12/23) Statement of Rights (DBL) Insurance Carrier/Board-approved self-insurer Issued by employer to disabled employee. When covered employee is absent from work due to disability for more than 7 consecutive days, form must be issued within 5 business days thereafter; or within 5 days after employer knows or should know that absence is due to disability, whichever is greater.
DB-801 (1/24) Plan of an Association of Employers or Employees, Union or Trustees Providing Disability and/ or Paid Family Leave Benefits (Application and Agreement) Plan Administrator for Association of Employers or Employees, Union of Trustees files. Email to or mail to Workers’ Compensation Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, P.O. Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200 When an Association of Employers or Employees, Union or Trustees wants to become a Plan that provides Disability and/or Paid Family Leave Benefits.
DB-802 (1/24) Application to have Association, Union or Trustees Plan Accepted/Terminated as Employer's Plan Employer files form after Association, Union or Trustee has signed it. Email to or mail to Workers' Compensation Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, P. O. Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200 When an employer becomes a participant in a plan administered by an association, union or trust.
DB-820/829 (5/07) Certificate/Cancellation of Insurance Carriers insuring employers for disability benefits through Plan Coverage, Enriched Coverage, or Class Coverage. ONLY insurers providing Plan Coverage, Enriched Coverage, or Class Coverage file this paper form with the Disability Benefits Office at the Workers' Compensation Board to show proof of statutory disability benefits coverage. Upon writing a disability benefits policy for Plan Coverage, Enriched Coverage, or Class Coverage.
DB-820.1 (3/18) Supplement to Certificate of Insurance Carriers insuring employers for disability and paid family leave benefits through Plan Coverage, Enriched Coverage, or Class Coverage File with Form DB-820-829. Attach to and make part of Form DB-820-829.

If the form you are looking for is not listed above, or in the list of Common Board Forms, please email the Board's Forms Department.