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Workers’ Compensation Board

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Due to planned OnBoard maintenance occurring between 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. ET on Monday, July 29, 2024, email and text notifications may not be generated during this period. Please check your dashboards for prior authorization requests (PARs) and PAR responses submitted during this period. All other functionality will be working, including updates to the electronic case folders in eCase.

COVID-19: Workers’ Comp Hearings Now Remote, Board Offices Closed to the Public

WCB Information Related To Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Updated 03/16/2020

To preserve public and workforce safety, effective immediately, the Board will conduct workers' compensation hearings remotely, using the Board's Virtual Hearings service. Virtual Hearings allow injured workers, attorneys/representatives, witnesses and other participants to attend workers' compensation hearings remotely using a computer or mobile device. For the very small number of hearings that are not held using Virtual Hearings (discrimination cases under WCL § 120), the Board will contact the participants regarding further proceedings.

Please visit the Board's Virtual Hearings webpage at for complete details on how to attend a hearing using virtual hearings.

Injured workers can also choose to appear by phone by calling (844) 337-6301. If you are an unrepresented injured worker and are unable to participate in your hearing, it will be rescheduled.

Board Locations Closed

Following a mandate by Governor Cuomo, all Board locations are temporarily closed to the public starting Tuesday, March 17, however the Board will strive to continue operations remotely.

Additional Guidance

The Board issued additional guidance related to COVID-19 to assist Board stakeholders: NYS WCB Response to the Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19.

If you have any questions, please contact the WCB Customer Service Toll-Free Number (877) 632-4996.

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