CMS-1500 electronic forms submission provides an infrastructure to allow the submission of data to the Workers' Compensation Board in an industry-standard format (XML -- Extensible Markup Language). This program is designed to offer the medical community the opportunity to engage in industry standard submission of the CMS-1500 to the Workers' Compensation Board.
Please Note: All versions of the C-4 medical billing forms (except the C-4.3) and the OT/PT-4 were replaced by the required submission of the CMS-1500 on July 1, 2022. Learn more about the CMS-1500 Initiative.
All health care providers who would like to submit the CMS-1500 using the electronic submission process must first complete an online Medical Portal registration and then accept the terms of the legal agreement by selecting the link titled "Agreement for electronic submission of CMS-1500," found under the Billing section of the Medical Portal.
Board authorized electronic submission partners have proven they comply with the Board's requirements for the electronic submission of these forms and have executed the required legal agreement with the Workers' Compensation Board. The Board posts a list of approved electronic submission partners and their contact information if a provider or payer wants to find an electronic submission partner who can submit CMS-1500 files on their behalf. Check the list regularly; it is expected that the list may change over time.
Payers must designate with the Board, the electronic submission partner(s) from whom they will accept medical bills. Payers' Medical Portal Online Administrators must keep electronic submission partner information accurate and update the online administrator application with any changes within three (3) business days.
When a medical bill is submitted to the Board using the electronic submission process, DO NOT mail a duplicate paper form to the Board.
The Workers' Compensation Law requires copies to be provided to the claimant, employer, insurance carrier, claimant representative, etc.; it is the health care provider's responsibility to ensure that this reporting requirement is met.