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Workers’ Compensation Board

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The technical issue for document submissions on or after 1/7/25 has been resolved and documents will start to be processed by their received date. Please do not resubmit documents.

How To Submit Claims-Related Forms And Documents To WCB

Claims-related forms and documents may be submitted to WCB by regular US Postal Service mail, email, electronic upload, web filing and xml form submission. To learn more about submission via web filing and xml submission, regarded as the most secure methods, visit the Online Services page. Submissions can take up to three days to appear in the system. Registered eCase Users may submit documents using eCase upload when a case is in "Hearing Set" status.

Document prep rules may result in submissions being resorted and/or separated before being filed in the Electronic Case Folder. This is so that Board staff and eCase users can easily locate case documents for processing.

General Rules

  1. Forms and other documents not related to a specific workers' compensation injury (e.g., insurance coverage information, change of address for a law firm or medical practice) should not be submitted to WCB using these methods or addresses and will result in a delay in processing. Such forms and documents should be sent to the appropriate Board office or department.
  2. Documents are not accepted via flash drive or CD/DVD. Documents are only accepted via email, web upload or USPS mail.
  3. Documents should be submitted in black ink and on white paper whenever possible. Submitting a document in color ink or on color paper may cause blurriness or degeneration.
  4. Documents should be submitted without blank or instructional pages; these pages will be discarded during document prep which could result in breaks in page numbering and a need to resubmit documents.
  5. Password protected documents cannot be imaged.
  6. Coversheets should not be attached to any documents.
  7. A document may not reference more than one claimant.
  8. All documents should have case-identifying information, including the WCB Case Number, on the upper right side of each page well below the 0.25-inch margin of the document so that it is viewable on the resulting image and routed to the proper case folder. If a WCB Case Number has not been assigned, the claimant's name and date of accident should be noted instead.
  9. If more than one WCB Case Number or date of accident is listed on a document, a separate copy of the document must be submitted for each case. Circle/underline the WCB Case Number or date of accident (or ensure it listed first on the document) to indicate which case or accident date each document is for.
  10. Documents received will have a note in the upper left corner to show the number of pages that were received and the number of pages that were transmitted to WCB for that document.
    1. For documents received as paper mail, the number of pages received will always match the number of pages transmitted but counts could exclude pages that are discarded as part of the document prep process (e.g., blank pages, instruction sheets).
    2. For documents received electronically (e.g., email, Secure Upload, SFTP), the number of pages may be larger than the number of pages transmitted if the document included pages that are discarded as part of the document prep process (e.g., blank pages, instructions sheets).
  11. Documents issued by the Board and already present in a case file (e.g., notices of decision) should not be resubmitted and will be discarded unless the purpose of the resubmission is to object to the document.
  12. Form OC-110A requires verification of the original signature and may only be submitted by US Postal Service mail. If this form is received in any other format the sender will be contacted and asked to send the original by mail, thus delaying processing.

Additional Rules For Email Submission

The mailbox is for document submission only and not for inquiries.

  1. A separate email is required for each claimant with the Subject Line containing the WCB Case Number and/or claimant name.
  2. Attachments to emails will be accepted in the following formats only: .TXT, .DAT, .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, .PNG, .BMP, .DOC, .DOCX, .PPT, .PPTX, .RTF, .XLS, .XLSX, .TIF, .TIFF, .PDF, .VCF, .LNK.
  3. Any email with a combined total of more than 150 megabytes will be rejected in its entirety by the system.
  4. Secure emails and links to documents cannot be imaged.
  5. Imbedded or attached emails are not able to be read by our scanning vendor and will not be processed
  6. When submitting a fillable PDF, select print and choose Microsoft Print to PDF and submit the saved PDF before submitting. Please note, that if you do not Print to PDF, the entered data may not be transmitted resulting in a blank form being submitted.