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Subject Number 046-695 Chair Proposes Non-Acute Pain Medical Treatment Guidelines

Board Bulletins and Subject Numbers

July 7, 2014

The Chair began the formal process to adopt Non-Acute Pain (NAP) Medical Treatment Guidelines (MTGs) and update the existing guidelines with the publication of a proposed regulation in the June 4, 2014, New York State Register. The process amends 12 NYCRR 324.2 to incorporate the NAP MTGs as well as revisions to the third editions of the Mid and Low Back, Neck, Shoulder, and Knee MTGs and the second edition of the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome MTGs. Additionally, Intrathecal Drug Delivery (Pain Pumps) have been placed on the list of procedures requiring prior authorization.

The proposed NAP MTG provides for a comprehensive approach to the management of patients with chronic pain, including best practice recommendations for prescribing narcotics. These new guidelines supplement and update current recommendations on chronic pain contained in our existing MTGs. The draft MTGs include state-of-the-art recommendations regarding the long-term use of narcotics for the treatment of pain. This is a particularly important topic in light of the opioid epidemic facing the nation, including New York’s injured workers.

Complete copies of the proposed regulation Amendment of 12 NYCRR 324.2 and the Proposed Medical Treatment Guidelines, are available on the Board’s website.

All stakeholders, including medical providers, are encouraged to review the proposed new NAP MTG and revisions to the current editions of the other MTGs, and to submit any comments on or before July 21, 2014. Please email your comments to the Board at

Robert E. Beloten