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Workers’ Compensation Board

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Subject Number 046-656R Chair Announces Change in Administration of Established Uninsured Employers’ Fund Claims

Board Bulletins and Subject Numbers

This Subject Number was updated on May 3, 2019, to reflect the new phone extension of the administrator of the Uninsured Employers’ Fund.

Updates administrator of Uninsured Employers’ Fund claims given in Subject Number 046-656 issued 12/20/2013.

January 23, 2019

The Workers' Compensation Board (Board) will transition the management of established Uninsured Employers' Fund (UEF) claims to SAFE, LLC effective February 1, 2019. World Trade Center Volunteer Claims will remain with the present administrator, Triad Group LLC, and are not included in or impacted by this announcement. Claims that will come under the management of SAFE are those where liability has been determined, and medical, and/or indemnity payments must be made. SAFE will perform all claim-related functions and legal representation on behalf of the UEF. Claimants, and all parties of interest, including health care providers and legal representatives, will receive individual written notice of the change in claim administrator.

The transition of claim management should have no impact on claimants receiving workers’ compensation benefits. Claimants who are receiving biweekly indemnity benefits will continue receiving benefits on the same schedule in place today. For medical and transportation reimbursement requests after February 1, 2019, the Claimant's Record of Medical and Travel Expenses and Request for Reimbursement (Form C-257) must be sent to SAFE for processing with a copy to the Board. For medical services provided on or after February 1, 2019, in established cases only, health care providers should send new medical reports, bills and authorization requests to SAFE, and send a copy to the Board. Previously filed documents should not be re-sent.

SAFE has designated Vicki DeDio as the point of contact for transitioned UEF claims. Please direct all questions, communication, and correspondence to Ms. DeDio at the following address:

Vicki DeDio
620 Erie Blvd West, Suite 100
Syracuse, NY 13204

Phone: (866) 300-7233 ext 410
Fax: (315) 218-0063

Documents, including medical reports and bills, should also be sent to Ms. DeDio at the above mailing address and fax number.

Where service of a document on the Board is required by law, those documents must still be served on the Board.

Claims that have not been established or require no payments will continue to be administered by the Board's No Insurance Unit. The Board’s Legal Hearings Unit will continue to represent the UEF in such claims.

Clarissa M. Rodriguez