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Subject Number 046-555 Workers’ Compensation Board Announces Availability of New eClaims Web Applications and eCase Enhancements

Subject Numbers Regarding Health Provider Authorizations

July 31, 2013

On June 17, 2013, the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) initiated the eClaims Implementation Plan published on the WCB’s website. In support of the eClaims implementation, the WCB is pleased to announce the immediate availability of new eClaims web applications as well as enhancements to the WCB’s eCase web application. Together, these tools will greatly assist claim administrators in fulfilling their electronic filing requirements.

eClaims Data Entry Web Application

The eClaims Data Entry web application allows claim administrators to submit individual FROI and SROI transactions for immediate processing and acknowledgment. Upon submittal, this web application will immediately process the transaction and provide transaction acknowledgment to the end-user in the form of an informational message indicating acceptance or rejection. If rejected, the end-user will have the ability to correct the error(s) and simply re-submit without having to re-enter all of the transaction data. Acknowledgment for accepted transactions will also include the generation of a PDF transaction report that the end-user may print and download. Additional features include data field “pre-fill” functionality that saves data-entry time and effort when submitting subsequent transactions for the same case.

For complete details and registration requirements, please review the eClaims Data Entry Overview page.

eClaims Inquiry Web Application

The eClaims Inquiry web application allows claim administrators to search and view details for FROI and SROI transactions they have submitted to the WCB. This web application displays all FROI and SROI data elements and includes the acknowledgment information for each transaction. Accepted and rejected transactions are included. It is expected that this web application will be an effective tool for claim administrators during case management and troubleshooting activities. The PDF transaction report can also be accessed for each accepted transaction.

For complete details and registration requirements, please review the eClaims Inquiry Overview page.

eCase Enhancements

eCase has been enhanced to support eClaims. A FROI/SROI related tab has been added to Case Details, and the Case Folder now includes each FROI and SROI filing. The eCase FROI/SROI Tab document found in the eCase Users Guide provides details on this enhancement.

Questions related to this announcement can be directed to:

Robert E. Beloten