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Workers’ Compensation Board

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Due to planned OnBoard maintenance occurring between 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. ET on Monday, July 29, 2024, email and text notifications may not be generated during this period. Please check your dashboards for prior authorization requests (PARs) and PAR responses submitted during this period. All other functionality will be working, including updates to the electronic case folders in eCase.

Subject Number 046-1660 OnBoard Enhancements: Features to Enhance the Role of Provider Delegates

Board Bulletins and Subject Numbers

February 1, 2024

The New York State Workers' Compensation Board is rolling out new OnBoard enhancements as it continues to improve the OnBoard system. These enhancements, which will be implemented on February 8, 2024, broaden the provider delegate's role to allow delegates to submit prior authorization requests (PARs) and escalate Medication PARs for Level 2 review on behalf of a health care provider. These changes are in direct response to stakeholder feedback and are expected to help streamline the PAR submission process.

As a result of the enhanced delegate role, changes have also been made to the attestation language related to PAR submissions. The revised language indicates that when a delegate submits a PAR, it is the equivalent of the provider placing their signature on the request, affirming the information contained in the request.

This enhanced delegate role allows a provider to designate a member of their staff to submit PARs on their behalf. It is important to note that a pharmacy, pharmacy employee, Durable Medical Equipment vendor, or medical supplier may not act as a delegate of the health care provider/prescriber to prepare or submit PARs.

For information regarding OnBoard technical requirements and user support, please visit the Support & System Requirements of

Clarissa M. Rodriguez