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Subject Number 046-1334 Amendment of Section 325-1.3

Board Bulletins and Subject Numbers

September 30, 2020

The Chair has adopted the amendment of Section 325-1.3 of 12 NYCRR to change "physicians" to "treating providers" to conform to the Expanded Provider Law, to allow insurers, self-insured employers, and TPAs to designate a single mailing address for medical reports and bills, and to facilitate implementation of the Board’s transition to use of the CMS-1500 in electronic format including a requirement that insurers accept electronic submission of the CMS-1500.

To designate a single mailing address, the insurer must:

The Notice of Proposed Rule Making was published in the June 10, 2020, edition of the State Register. A Notice of Adoption will be published in the October 14, 2020, edition of the State Register. The amendments will be effective upon publication.

Clarissa M. Rodriguez