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Workers’ Compensation Board

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Subject Number 046-1236 Board Announces Implementation of New York Workers' Compensation Formulary Effective December 5, 2019

Board Bulletins and Subject Numbers

December 3, 2019

The New York Workers' Compensation Formulary (NY WC Formulary) becomes effective on Thursday, December 5, 2019, for all new prescriptions. Starting that day, all new prescriptions for injured workers in New York State must be listed within the NY WC Formulary unless an alternative medication has been approved through the NYS Workers' Compensation Board's new prior authorization process. Effective December 5, 2019, the electronic prior authorization process will be available to registered providers and carriers/self-insured employers through the Board's Medical Portal.

Please visit the Board's Drug Formulary Overview webpage for:

Information and resources related to the Board's Medical Portal are available on the Board's Medical Portal Overview webpage.

For more information:

Clarissa M. Rodriguez