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Subject Number 046-1106R Reminder and Clarification Regarding Form Submission Guidelines

Board Bulletins and Subject Numbers

Revises Subject No. 046-1106 dated September 27, 2018
Updated text in bold below

April 19, 2022

To improve customer service for all stakeholders and to reduce system costs, the Workers' Compensation Board issued guidelines on submitting forms and other documents on Subject No. 046-909 dated January 4, 2017. The following are an addition to, or a re-emphasis of, those guidelines.

Avoid Duplicate Filing of Forms

The Board asks that you refrain from submitting forms more than once or in multiple formats. The quality of customer service diminishes when resources must be dedicated to sorting through duplicate forms to resolve an issue. Duplicate filings increase the amount of time required to respond to a customer request for further action or a status update on a pending request.

Duplicate submissions may be deemed to be raising or continuing an issue without reasonable grounds, will never result in higher fees being granted, and may subject the sender to penalties under Workers' Compensation law ยง 114-a(3).

Forms Applicable to Multiple Claims for the Same Claimant

Forms may reference more than one WCB Claim Number for the same claimant, but the submitter is required to submit a separate copy of the form for each claim (with the relevant WCB Claim Number listed first and/or underlined/circled) to ensure that a copy is placed in each case folder. Failure to submit a copy for each claim and properly identify the WCB Claim Number may result in duplicate filings to the same claim and therefore a penalty. If a party wants to file an Application for Board Review (Form RB-89), Rebuttal of Application for Board Review (Form RB-89.1), Application for Reconsideration/Full Board Review (Form RB-89.2) or the Rebuttal of Application for Reconsideration/Full Board Review (Form RB-89.3) in multiple claims, they must ensure a copy of the form is filed in each claim and that it properly identifies the WCB Claim Number. If a particular RB-89 form is not filed in one of the claims, or does not properly identify the WCB Claim Number, the Board will find that no application was filed regarding the decision in that claim and will deny review.

If you experience technical difficulty with the electronic submission of forms, please contact the WCB Customer Support Unit by email at or by phone at (844) 337-6305. For assistance with forms submitted through the Web Upload Link, please email

Clarissa M. Rodriguez