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Subject Number 046-1099 World Trade Center Registry Filing Deadline Extended to September 11, 2022

Board Bulletins and Subject Numbers

September 12, 2018

The provisions of the World Trade Center Registry legislation signed by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on September 11, 2016, have been extended to September 11, 2022.

The extension keeps the World Trade Center Registry open until September 11, 2022; extends the deadline period for filing the Registration of Participation in World Trade Center Rescue, Recovery and/or Clean-up Operations (Form WTC-12) to September 11, 2022; and directs the Board to reconsider claims previously disallowed under §§ 18 or 28 with dates of disablement between September 11, 2015 and September 11, 2017.

Extension of Filing Period for Form WTC-12¹

The World Trade Center Registry, which preserves workers' compensation rights for those who performed rescue, recovery, and clean-up operations after the World Trade Center attacks, will now remain open until September 11, 2022.

If they have not already done so, workers (paid workers and volunteers) who participated in the rescue, recovery, and clean-up operations of the World Trade Center between September 11, 2001, and September 11, 2002, should promptly register their service participation with the NYS Workers' Compensation Board (Board). This registration will preserve workers' rights to future benefits, should they ever be needed.

Paid workers and volunteers should file an original, notarized Form WTC-12 by September 11, 2022, whether they have experienced any symptoms or not. Eligible work includes duty at the World Trade Center site, the Fresh Kills Landfill, the New York City morgue or the temporary morgues on pier locations on the west side of Manhattan, and barges located between the west side of Manhattan and the Fresh Kills Landfill. Paid workers and volunteers are eligible to file. The filing of the registration Form WTC-12 does not constitute the filing of a claim. The filing of the sworn statement does, however, extend the time to preserve the workers' right to file a claim.

Completed forms must be received at the Board's Centralized Mailing Address-P.O. Box 5205, Binghamton, NY 13902-5205-by September 11, 2022. Workers can obtain Form WTC-12 from any Board office or from the Board website.

Filing a Claim

Paid Workers - To file a claim, an injured worker must submit an Employee Claim (Form C-3).

Volunteers - Volunteer workers must submit the World Trade Center Volunteer's Claim for Compensation (Form WTCVol-3) when they file a claim.² They must also provide the following documentation to complete their claim:

Form WTCVol-3 contains complete instructions for filing a claim.

Previously Time-barred World Trade Center Claims

The new extension maintains the reopening of Form WTC 12 filings that were received after the previous deadline of September 11, 2014, and considers them timely until the new deadline of September 11, 2022.

The Board will review its files to locate any World Trade Center claims with dates of disablement between September 11, 2015 and September 11, 2017 that were previously disallowed as untimely under Workers' Compensation Law §§ 18 or 28, or from failure to file a timely Form WTC-12. Claims that contain a completed WTC-12 form filed before September 11, 2022, are now timely, so the Board will reconsider any prior disallowance.³

Workers whose Form WTC-12 were previously deemed untimely will be notified that their cases are no longer time-barred and instructed on how to proceed with their claim. While the Board will be proactively checking its own files, and providing notice to claimants, claimants should feel free to contact the Board, so that the Board may provide specific information regarding the reconsideration process. All parties will be notified that their cases are being reopened as their cases are brought forward for consideration.

For more information, please see World Trade Center Assistance, or call (877) 632-4996.

Clarissa M. Rodriguez

¹ These changes are included in Workers' Compensation Law § 162 and 165.
² These changes are included in Workers' Compensation Law § 168
³ These changes are in Workers' Compensation Law § 168