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Workers’ Compensation Board

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Due to planned OnBoard maintenance occurring between 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. ET on Monday, July 29, 2024, email and text notifications may not be generated during this period. Please check your dashboards for prior authorization requests (PARs) and PAR responses submitted during this period. All other functionality will be working, including updates to the electronic case folders in eCase.

Web Submission of Claim Forms - Adobe Format Adobe Warning Messages

Web Submission of Claim Forms - Adobe Format

You may encounter warning messages generated by Adobe, especially if you have not upgraded to the latest version of Adobe Reader®.

Upgrading Your Version of Adobe Reader®

If you are using an older version of Adobe Reader®, you will get a message stating the form uses a new format that is not supported by your current version

File requires a newer version of Reader message

After selecting ‘OK’, you will be prompted to download the latest version of Reader®. The Board recommends that you upgrade to the latest version.

Select OK to download latest version of Reader

Saving The PDF

A non-editable PDF of the form will be returned to your web browser upon successful submission to the Board. You should save this PDF.

When you select the Save Copy button, you may get this message

You may only save copy of original document

Since changes to the document aren't allowed, simply select ‘OK’ and proceed with saving the form. You may also want to select the box for ‘Do not show this message again’ so that you won't have to answer this message each time you save a PDF of your form.